Since SSL was formed in 1993, we have conducted hundreds of training courses and trained thousands of people. We develop new courses on a regular basis and frequently update them based off feedback and developments in the sectors we work in. Below is a list of all companies who have undertaken our courses and how long each course has been running (updated January 2023).
HAZOP Leader Training
Our HAZOP Leader training course is one of our oldest and most popular training courses, having trained 2000+ people and been run for 20+ years. It develops the skills necessary to organise and facilitate a HAZOP, develop an awareness of the factors that influence the performance of the HAZOP review team and allows you to challenge existing practices or confirm the status quo at your facility.
AECOM Technology | A-Gas Group | Aica | Air Liquide | Ampol | APA Group | Argenta | Arxada |
Aurecon | Babbage Consultants | Bakels | Ballance | Beca | Birtson Engineering | Bluebird Food | BOC Gas |
Callaghan Innovation | Capreo Holdings Pty | Carter Holt Harvey | Civtec | CMP Consulting | Contact Energy | Csiro | Danone Nutricia |
Department of defense | DGL | Dominion Salt | EAPL (Esso Australia) | Eastland | EECA | EIS | Energia |
Energy Development Corporation | Evonik Peroxide | Exxon Mobil | Firstgas | Fonterra | Foresight Engineering | Fulton Hogan | Genera Biosecurity |
Genesis Energy | GHD | Graincorp Foods | Greymouth Petroleum | Hatch | HD Consultants | Icon Water | Incitias Pty |
Ixom Operations | Jacobs | JBFX | JDE | Lawter | Logicamms | Lonza | Mactown Consulting |
Mahurangi Olives | Mainstream Engineering | Matrix Safety and Compliance | MB Century | Merck | Mercury Energy | Meridian Energy | Methanex |
Modec | Mott MacDonald New Zealand | MSD | New Beta Innovation | New Plymouth District Council | New Zealand Oil Services | New Zealand Post | Newcrest Mining |
Nova Energy | NZRC | OJI Fibre Solutions | OMV | Opal Group | Origin Energy | Osmoflo | Pan Pac Forest Products |
Pattle Delamore Partners | PDV Consultants | PEAC | PepsiCo | Plant & Platform Consultants | Queensland Nitrates | RedBull Powder Company | Rio Tinto |
Rivelin Safety | RNZ Navy | Rocket Lab | Rockgas | Sage Automation | Saputo Dairy Japan | Scion | SIG Combibloc |
SiteHost | Stantec | Steel & Tube Holdings | Stolthaven New Zealand | Synlait Milk | Tatua Dairy | Technical Engineering Group | Tesla |
The Karo Group | The New Zealand Refining Company | Todd Energy | Top Energy | UGL | University of Auckland | Vector | VelocityEHS |
Vertex Engineers | Vitruvius | Waste Management NZ | Watercare | Wellkinetics | Westland | Whakatane Mill | Whareroa |
Worley Parsons | WOSL | WSP | Z Energy |
Bowtie Training
Our Bowtie training course is our most popular course at the moment and teaches all aspects (uses, creation and application) of the Bowtie risk assessment tool.
Aica | Air Liquide | Allied Concrete | Asahi | Aurora Energy | Avebury Mine | Beadwindow | Beca |
Carter Holt Harvey | Contact Energy | Energy Development Corporation | Firstgas | Genesis Energy | HD Consultants | HDGeo | Hunter H2O |
Incitec Pivot | Km-mec | Lawter | Logicamms | Lonza | Metro Trains | New Zealand Defence Force | New Zealand Post |
OJI Fibre Solutions | OMV | Port Taranaki | RealNZ | RNZ Air Force | Tegel | Thiess | Vector |
VelocityEHS | Verbrec | Wellington Water | Wellkinetics | Worksafe | Z Energy |
Hazardous Area Classification Training
Our Hazardous Area Classification training course has been running for 10 years and teaches how to classify hazardous areas.
Aaron Laboratories | Aica | Aramco | Ardmore Projects Services | Ballance | Beca | BOC Gas | Chris Ward Electrical |
Contact Energy | CW Electrical | EIS | Elite Inspect | Environmental Resources | Exi | Firstgas | Fonterra |
Gauge Refrigeration | Genesis Energy | Greymouth Petroleum | GRS Consulting | GXsim | Logicamms | MCD Group | Mercury Energy |
Moore Management | Nova Energy | NZRC | OMV | PPG Industries | Responsible Care | Rockgas | Sarau Contracting |
Scion | Stack Electrical | Technical Energy Developments | Technical Engineering Group | Tectonus | The New Zealand Refining Company | Todd Energy | Top Energy |
Tru-sol | Vector | WorkSafe | Worley Parsons | WSP |
Layer Of Protection Analysis Training
Our Layer of Protection Analysis training course has been running for 9 years and teaches about the LOPA semiquantitative risk analysis and assessment tool.
Aica | Arxada | Ballance | Beach Energy | Beca | BOC Gas | Energy Development Corporation | Equinox Automation |
Firstgas | Fonterra | Incitec Pivot | Kinleith Mill | Lonza | Mercury Energy | Methanex | NZ Post |
OJI Fibre Solutions | Pan Pac Forest Products | Pattle Delamore Partners | PDV Consultants | Todd Energy | Watercare | Wellkinetics | Wiri Oil Services |
Worksafe | Worley Parsons | WOSL | Z Energy |
Introduction to Risk Assessment
Our Introduction to Risk Assessment training course has been running for 9 years and gives an introduction to the identification process hazards.
AECOM Technology | Aica | Arxada | Bay Of Plenty DHB | Beca | BOC Gas | Contact Energy | Eastland |
ENRG Consulting | Firstgas | Fonterra | Gasco and Pipeline | Genesis Energy | GES Contractor | LGS | Lonza |
Mainstream Engineering | Merck | Mercury Energy | New Zealand Oil Services | Pan Pac Forest Products | RNZ Navy | Rockgas | Scion |
SCOTT | Synlait Milk | Technical Engineering Group | TetraPac | Todd Energy | Trustpower | Vector | Westland |
Wiri Oil Services | Worley Parsons | WOSL | Z Energy |
Introduction to Process Safety
Our Introduction to Process Safety training course has been running for 8 years and gives a wide introduction to Process Safety.
Ballance | BOC Gas | Bulk Storage Terminals | Damar Industries | Firstgas | Fonterra | Gasco and Pipeline | Genesis Energy |
GES Contractor | Icon Water | LGS | Liquigas | Mercury Energy | OJI Fibre Solutions | Pan Pac Forest Products | Rockgas |
Top Energy | Westside Corporation | Worksafe | Z Energy |
Critical Risk Management for Directors and Executives
Our Critical Risk Management for Directors and Executives training course has been running for 4 years and teaches about critical risk from a leadership perspective.
Arxada | DGL | Eastland | Energia | Firstgas | Fletcher Building | Lawter | Lonza |
Mahurangi Olives | Rockgas | The Karo Group | Top Energy | University of Auckland |
HAZOP Participants Training
Our HAZOP Participants training course has been running for 23 years and teaches what is a HAZOP how to be a contributing participant in a HAZOP study.
AgDesign | AICA | Ampol | Aurecon | Bakels | Ballance | Beca | Blue River Dairy |
BOC Gas | Chr Hansen | Cranrock | Danone Nutricia | Firstgas | Fonterra | Gasco and Pipeline | Genesis Energy |
Greymouth Petroleum | Incitec Pivot | JBFX | K L Ballantyne | Logicamms | Merck | Methanex | MSD |
New Zealand Oil Services | OBL | Oceania Dairy | OJI Fibre Solutions | PPG Industries | Ravensdown | Refining NZ | RNZ Navy |
Tatua Dairy | Technical Engineering Group | The NZ Refining Company | University of Auckland | University of Waikato | Wilmar | Winstone Pulp International | Z Energy |
Alarm Management Training
Our Alarm Management Training course has been running for 7 years and teaches the 7 step process for effectively and efficiently addressing alarm system problems.
Aica | Ballance | Beach Energy | Cleanaway | Indorama | Lattice Energy | Tegel |
Advanced HAZOP Training
Our Advanced HAZOP training course has been running for 3 years and teaches a trained HAZOP leader how to be more efficient and effective.
Firstgas | Fonterra | LogiCamms | Verbrec |
Process Safety for Leadership
Our Process Safety for Leadership training course has been running for 8 years and teaches process safety from a leadership perspective.
Firstgas | Fletcher Building | Rockgas |
Process Safety Foundations
Our Process Safety Foundations training course has been running for 1 year and helps you to develop your understanding of the key principles of process safety and its management.
Fletcher Building | NZ Steel | Comfort Group |
Introduction to Process Safety (E-Learning)
Our Introduction to Process Safety E-Learning training course has been running for 5 years and gives a wide introduction to Process Safety on our E-Learning platform.
Aica | Argenta | Ballance | Beca | BOC Gas | Britson Engineering | Caliber Design | Cetogenics |
Chemfreight | Chemicalcare | Cleanaway | Contact Energy | Corteva | COSL Gas | Cranrock | Dominion Salt |
Eastland | ECL Group | Etel | Fabrum Solutions | Firstgas | Fonterra | Genera | Genesis Energy |
Greymouth Petroleum | Hazknow | Honeywell | Icon Water | ITL Technologies | Lawter | Ligar | Liquigas |
Lochard Energy | Logicamms | Lonza | Maritime NZ | Marley Spoon | Melbourne Water | Merck | Mercury Energy |
Methanex | New Zealand Oil Services | Ngawha Generation | NZ Energy Corp | Oceania Dairy | OJI Fibre Solutions | OMV | On Gas |
Pan Pac Forest Products | PDV Consultants | Port Taranaki | Powercontrols | Rocket Lab | Rockgas | Safeworks | Sanitarium |
Scion | SGS | Shell New Zealand | Sleeppyhead/Comfort group | Snowy Hydro | Synlait Milk | Tag Oil | Tamarind |
Te Rapa | Top Energy | University of Auckland | University of Canterbury | University of Waikato | Vector | VelocityEHS | Verbrec |
Watercare | Wellkinetics | Wilmar | Wiri Oil Services | Worksafe | Worley Parsons | WOSL | Z Energy |
HAZOP Participants (E-Learning)
Our HAZOP Participants E-Learning training course has been running for 5 years and teaches what is a HAZOP how to be a contributing participant in a HAZOP study on our E-Learning platform.
Aica | Air Liquide | Aqui-S | Argenta | Arxada | Aurecon | Babbage Consultants | Bakels |
Ballance | Beca | BOC Gas | Bundaberg Brewed Drinks | Callaghan Innovation | Cetogenics | Chemicalcare | Contact Energy |
Coregas | Corteva | Cranrock | DGExtern | Eastland | EIS Group | EnviroDen | Etel |
Firstgas | Fonterra | Gauge Refrigeration | Genera | Genesis Energy | GHD | Graymont | Greymouth Petroleum |
Honeywell | Icon Water | Ixom Operations | Jacobs | Kmmec | Lawter | Ligar | Logicamms |
Lonza | Merck | Mercury Energy | Methanex | Mott MacDonald New Zealand | New Beta Innovation | New Zealand Defence Force | NZ Chemical Care & Storage |
Oceania Dairy | OMV | On Gas | Osmoflo | Pattle Delamore Partners | PDV consultants | Plant & Platform Consultants | Port Taranaki |
Queensland Nitrates | RNZ Navy | Rockgas | Sanitarium | Scion | Stantec | Stone and Wood Brewing | Technical Engineering Group |
Texas A&M University | Todd Energy | Top Energy | University of Auckland | University of Canterbury | VelocityEHS | Verbrec | Watercare |
Wellkinetics | Wineworks | Wiri Oil Services | Worksafe | Worley Parsons | Wosl | WSP | Z Energy |
Introduction to Bowties (E-Learning)
Our Bowtie E-Learning training course has been running for 2 years and teaches all aspects (uses, creation and application) of the Bowtie risk assessment tool on our E-Learning platform.
Cetogenics | Contact Energy | OMV | Scion |