Safety in Design

The aim of this 1-day Safety in Design (SiD) course is to train the course participants to actively participate in SiD workshops and how/when to implement a SiD review. Safety in Design (SiD) is a system that integrates hazard identification and risk assessment methods early in the design process. SID considers how to eliminate, isolate or minimize the risks of death, injury and ill health to those who will construct, operate, maintain, decommission or demolish an asset.


Course Content

  • Overview of the course, background of SiD and applicability
  • Overview of the Work Safe requirements related to SiD
  • Discuss the preparation and key items needed to address for the SiD workshop.
  • Provide some prompts and guidewords to facilitate the workshop discussion
  • The SiD Process
    • Identify hazards associated with different phases of a project
    • Determine the consequences of these hazards and probability of it occurring
    • Determine the inherent risk rating
    • Determine the controls currently in place
    • Determine the residual risk rating
    • Identify additional controls to be implemented
    • Action management
  • Overview of risk management
  • Explanation of the SFAIRP process
  • SiD in relation to a project lifecycle
  • SiD Workshop based on case studies
  • Discussion on ways SiD workshops can fail

Price per attendee:  $???+ Gst

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